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Youths are important ingredient in development  of any society. Not unless they acknowledge this, they will never remain so.

I thought and believed that during the launch of Davins Ngoge's campaign recognized and took this serious, only to realize it was just a campaign strategy or rather, an agendum of that day.

The role of the youth is simply to;

Renew, Refresh and or Maintain leadership. Youth have a significant role to Renew and Refresh the current status of our ward including leadership, innovations, skills name them.

In any leadership, youths are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics, peace of the ward, society and a  country at large through empowerment and inclusive leadership. All this come into play, if youths take a central role in any leadership. Something that was not discussed on that day and Onuso's leadership is silent about

Let me quote him;

"Tuesday 27th December 2016, we as the youth fraternity of Masige East Ward are meeting at Kiobegi ground to discuss on the role of the youth in the leadership of our ward. 

We wish to have an inclusive and consultative forum which will enable us to determine who leads our people and how. 
All youths are welcome. 
The IEBC PEOPLE will be there from 10 to ensure we are registered voters as we give opportunities to others to register. 
The function will start at 1 pm. 

The function is sponsored by Davins Okindo Ngoge aka ONUSO, aspiring MCA Masige East Ward

-The end of the quotation-

Majority of youth are not even aware of this, majority of them confuse the role of a youth with Empowerment, Hand-outs, Online noise, and the likes.

The Role of  a youth remains a puzzle in Masige East Ward, despite the use as an agendum for Davins Ngoge's campaign launch.

~Eric Michoma Aka Punda Amechoka
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Kasoro is a conversion optimization writer, specializing in split testing best practices and cognitive biases
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